Saturday 13 August 2011

Flea Market & Katie Shillingford

Today there was a flea market at the Olympia Park in Munich. Normally it's a football pitch or used for large open air concerts. My boyf., some friends and me went there to look for a cool little something for our new flat. Of course we didn't find anything for the flat - instead I found a pretty white dress which I had to slip on immediately as it turned out to be a lot warmer than I had expected when we left this morning.

Don't you think those skirts on the first pic are fun?

Next Katie Shellingford. The fashion editor at Dazed & Confused.
I am a big fan of her. (It doesn't really go with the above post but as I'm still struggling with no internet at home. That's why I'll combine the two posts :)

in Gareth Pugh wedding dress

...can't wait in about 2 weeks I'll have internet at home again! I'm sooooo looking forward to read in all peace and quiet all your blogs again and be blogging regularly!!


  1. ich werd die farbkarte suchen, dann kann ich dir die nummer sagen :) falls ich vergiss bitte kurz erinnern. aber ich geb mir mühe ;)
